Way of thinking 思维方式




In the first two articles of the series ‘Agility in the Nutshell’, I presented agile values and principles. This article is about an Agile Mindset.
在 “敏捷概述”系列的前两篇文章中,我们介绍了敏捷的价值观和原则。下面这篇文章是讨论敏捷思维模式的。

By mindset, we mean ways of thinking, attitudes and approaches to problems. Agile mindset means changing the classical patterns of thinking about cooperation and leadership. It is explicitly not about introducing Agile methods while maintaining the old organizational structure.

Agile mindset encompasses the life of agile principles as an everyday routine and self-image rather than as ‘prescribed behaviour’. This usually does not happen overnight but requires manages to reflect and question their behaviour again and again. The agile mindset needs time to grow.
敏捷思维包含了将敏捷原则作为日常工作和自我形象的生活方式,而不是作为 “规定行为”。这通常不是一朝一夕的事,而是需要管理者反复反思和质疑自己的行为。敏捷思维需要时间来培养。

Agile mindset means being flexible and adapting to the current conditions as quickly as possible. It also means to be willing to learn and to shape one’s actions in small iterative loops and to draw conclusions from the respective experiences frequently.

Having an agile mindset means focusing on meeting the needs of the customer. It is about building trust in the team and strengthening the ability to cooperate within the group. For managers, it is essential to fill their role in such a way that they create a framework that allows the team to work well.

Iterative processes ensure that we can react quickly to changes. In this context, having an agile mindset means seeing change as something completely normal, and not resisting it, but seeing it as an opportunity to learn, as an incentive for further development. Working with flashbacks to reflect on the result, process and one’s behaviour allows you to fail quickly ‘fail fast’ and at the same time to learn a lot and to continuously develop yourself, the team, the way of working and the relationships within the group.
迭代过程确保我们能够对变化做出快速反应。在这种情况下,拥有敏捷的思维方式意味着我们要把变化看作是完全正常的事情,不抵制它,把它看作是学习的机会,是进一步发展的动力。通过回顾的方式来反思结果、过程和自己的行为,可以让你 快速失败”,同时学到很多东西,不断发展自己、团队、工作方式和团体内部的关系。

Agile working puts producing a result before lengthy planning. We experience this topic again and again as a big hurdle because especially the subject of planning is mostly classically hierarchical. At the organizational level, it is usually a far cry from classic planning and is usually a rolling, short-term planning process.

If you want to deal with agility. We recommend as a first step to shedding light on what it takes to reflect on your ability to cooperate and to acquire skills to work with others. We consider this to be the first and decisive step towards being able to work successfully in an agile context in the future. Coaching and training are proven methods to make the first step towards an agile mindset.

(由Janna Song 翻译,原创:Birgit Fisher-Sitzwohl )